According to a new study by the popular British website, ‘Angkor Wat leads spiritual list of Must-See Sunrises’

The site continues in its praise of the Cambodian icon, saying “The walk through the trees to the east gate, and on to the main complex, is magical – often no one around at an early hour, with the birds singing as it grows light,” writes one reviewer of Angkor Wat. The Cambodian temple complex has two and a half times more mentions for its sunrise than any other attraction in the world.’

There is expected to be an influx of tourists on the 21st of March to witness the bi-yearly solar equinox – where the sun perfectly aligns with Angkor Wat

The full list of top sunrise and sunsets was as following:

1st place went to Angkor Wat of Cambodia
2nd place went to Haleakala Crater of USA
3rd place went to Taj Mahal of India
4th place went to Borobudur Temple of Indonesia
5th place went to Australia’s Uluru
6th place’s Nepal’s Saragng Kot
7th place to Myanmar’s Bagan Temples
8th places to Sri Lanka’s Adam Pe Peak
9th place’s Czech Reublic’s Charles Bridge
10th place went to Peru’s Machu Picchu.

According to
