One page in the press kit stands out, helpfully titled “Take nudes.” At least the device’s creators explain their thinking. “For your eyes only, of course,” it reads. “This data goes far deeper than the numbers on the scale. Naked helps you understand how your body is changing so you can stay motivated to hit your goals.”



To be fair, it is quite a device. The core technology consists of a Wi-Fi/Bluetooth-enabled mirror that uses three Intel “RealSense” depth sensors to scan the user’s 3D body as the scale spins them around. After scanning, users can use the obligatory mobile app to see their body-fat percent, lean mass and fat mass, circumferences, side-by-side comparisons, and graphs of historical data. It does everything but pass judgment on you — but never fear, there’s already a mirror for that.



The company definitely has some ambitious plans for the mirror beyond the fitness market. Potential secondary uses could include tailoring clothes down to the centimeter or scanning your real body into a video game. The smart mirror will start reaching the retail market this month as Naked begins shipping units to customers who have already pre-ordered Naked. The company expects the units to cost $1,395 plus another $100 for shipping.

According to digitaltrends