Universal Robots is a Danish manufacturer of smaller flexible industrial collaborative robot arms (cobots), based in Odense, Denmark. The business volume in 2019 was USD 248 million. The company has 680+ employees (2019) and 1,100+ partners around the world.


Universal Robots was founded in 2005 by the engineers Esben Østergaard, Kasper Støy, and Kristian Kassow. 


The products consist of the heavy-duty UR16e, the table-top UR3 and UR3e, the UR5 and UR5e , and the UR10 and UR10e.

All cobots are six-jointed robot arms with a very low weight including cable of respectively 11 kilos, 20 kilos, 33 kilos, and 33 kilos.

Universal Robots collaborative robots (cobots) can work right alongside personnel with no safety guarding, based on the results of a mandatory risk assessment.

According to en.wikipedia