Ministry of Commerce spokesperson Seang Thai said that the inclusion of Takeo lobster in the list of geographical indications is to show the potential of freshwater lobsters in Takeo Province, particularly to improve the price and confidence of buyers.

He said that the selection of Takeo lobster for a geographical indication was to prevent counterfeiting of lobsters from Takeo Province in the market, but also to attract national and international tourists to visit the province, especially to compete in the upcoming national and international food fairs in Thailand, Vietnam and China.

“Geographical indication is an intellectual property tool that helps increase the price and confidence of consumers, which makes them dare to spend money on Takeo lobsters,” he said. “Improving the quality of Takeo lobster is increasing local employment directly and indirectly as well as reducing migration.”

The use of the geographical indication for Takeo lobster requires farmers to apply for membership and sign a contract in accordance with regulations applied, he added. Farmers and sellers can build their own reputation with the geographical indication of Takeo lobster to help them stand out from the rest of the market.

According to